Like a scene from The Exorcist, I once spewed a stomach-full of blood all over a charming nurse as I came round after a major dental operation. Tell us your tales of red, red horror.
( , Thu 7 Aug 2008, 14:39)
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Iowa. This past July 20th. Day One of the RAGBRAI (the most celebrated, largest and oldest cross-state rides in the States). I am kitted out in my Team LIVESTRONG finery. Complete with LIVESTRONG helm and gloves...and of course, the omnipresent LIVESTRONG bracelet. (just wanted to see how many times I could type "LIVESTRONG" in one paragraph)
About 15 miles into the days ride, a light 52 miles, I am FLYING down this hill and in my big chain ring, cranking away, anticipating having an easier go at the next and immediate hill rapidly approaching...just as I hit the bottom, one of my chain links tweaks 90 degrees and gets jammed in my deraileur and my pedals stop working. STUCK. And me now ascending the hill and RAPIDLY losing forward ground speed.
I waited too long to extricate my cleats from the pedals and WHAM! I fall over on my right hand side, skinning my knee rather nicely, but otherwise, suprisingly unhurt. It was then, as I was laying on my right side, taking inventory and wondering how I was going to get my legs out of the tangle of my bike when "WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAM" right in the back of the head, some git ran RIGHT into me AND "OVVVVVER" my head with his front tire.
Yep. My Shiney new LIVESTRONG helmet was an absolute MESS. Broken pieces of foam hanging off, littering the road around my now fetally positioned body.
Did I mention I was wearing my brand new, shiney LIVESTRONG kit?
Hope Your balls are doing better Bro!
PS(What brand of bike is it?)
( , Wed 13 Aug 2008, 22:25, Reply)
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