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This is a question Beautiful but Bonkers

I used to see this girl from time to time. Face of an angel, body of a goddess, great in bed. The only downside was her emotional state. When she wasn't crying, she was screaming. Violence was never far from the agenda, and I finally called it quits when she sat down in the middle of a busy street, drunker than I thought possible, howling like a banshee and swearing at passers-by.

What kind of lunacy have you put up with in the name of lust?

(, Fri 17 Nov 2006, 13:31)
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horny housemate
I had an on and off thing with a girl I was living with for a couple of years. She was quite good looking (I fancied her anyway) and G R E A T in bed. She was up for all kinds of stuff and I was encouraged to do lots of stuff I've never done with a girl before of since. And even better, she said it was all 'just as mates'. well, it worked for a bit but it soon became clear that the 'just as mates' was not all it seemed. she became very possesive, tried to stop me going out, tried to control my actions by throughing increasingly outrageous strops over little things. The day came when I met another girl, and all hell broke loose. Unbelievably though, I used to give into her and let her get her way, even to the point of me not pursuing this other girl (I didn't like her much, but that wasn't the point).

I relucantly stopped the free sex soon after, but the offer was always there. which was a constant torture, but would have been the equivilant of sticking my dick into a wasps nest.
(, Fri 17 Nov 2006, 14:58, Reply)

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