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This is a question Buses

We've got a local bus driver who likes to pull away slowly just to see how far old ladies with shopping trollies will chase him down the road. By popular demand - tell us your thrilling bus anecdotes.

Thanks to glued eel for the suggestion

(, Thu 25 Jun 2009, 13:14)
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passengers from HELLLLL
Here in Bristol, UK, First Bus has a monopoly on bus travel. I've
been using their buses on a daily basis for more that three years and
I've encountered a few...interesting passengers in my time. I've got no problems with the buses...much...just the people on them.

- The guy who was on his phone for a good 45 minutes talking about
some godforsaken pointless thing in a high-pitched loud voice. When
he got of the bus there was several sighs of relief, let me tell you

- The people that have (as I call it) SAD: Social Anti-Awareness
Disoder. This is, they talk to you...for ever...about stuff you dont
care about, want to know about, or hold the slightest bit of intrest
into knowing. I don't care about your kid's operaion or your cat's
problem. Just...please...fuck off.

- The HOLY FREAKING HELL most umpleasant women I have ever had to
deal with. The first time I "met" her she had just go onto the (very
full) bus and was stood next to the door. As an old lady walked past
her she said "wheres your manners" under her breath, to which I
replied "wheres yours?". I recieved a torrent of foul-mouthed abuse,
saying how I should respect older people (like her? pah!) claimed she was pregnant and demanded my seat. A cold stare works a treat. As she
got off the bus a couple of people cheered and as people walked past
me to get off they said "good for you" and such...which was nice.

- Next time she stood in front of the doors as they opened and got
smushed. Then she started having a go at the driver "mumble shoud be
be fucking working here, taking our fucking jobs blah blah". a couple
of people piped up, "dont like it, fuck off and walk" and "he's only
doing his job". She looked at me again and after a friendly (ha)
disagreement I said "pull a stunt like that again and I, along with
several others, WILL remove you from the bus". She said "you wouldn't
dare touch me" to which I replied "you're right...I dont' know where
you've been". When she got off I gave her a little wave. She gave me DEATH STARE 101. The bus driver said thanks.

Sorry, suppose you had to be there.

length? more than three years of hell.
(, Thu 25 Jun 2009, 13:55, 8 replies)
Buses in Bristol
suck hippocock, based on the 73, 75, 309, 310, 8, 9, 70, and the worst of the fuckers, the Bristol Flyer Airport Coach.
(, Thu 25 Jun 2009, 13:58, closed)
my adventures were on the 20/21 and 51. Didn't even know the 309/310 existed.
(, Thu 25 Jun 2009, 14:18, closed)
Bristol buses
I also live in Bristol.

The hell numbers for me:

47/49 48

I still have nightmares
(, Thu 25 Jun 2009, 14:25, closed)
ooh, another bristol b3ta
54, stockwood. 51, whitchurch (that's me!) 47,48,49 somewhere in north bristol, I think.
(, Thu 25 Jun 2009, 14:43, closed)
47 48 49
The 47 and 49 were from Staple Hill into the centre, the 48 from Downend. I think they have got rid of either the 47 or 49 now, but as I no longer live there I don't know.

Used to rely on these to get into work, catching the 0830 to get me in by 0900ish, but sometimes, the buses simply did not come, leaving a crowd of angry passengers at the stop.

What amused me was that once the bus arrived everyone would meekly board saying nothing to the driver.

The latest I ever got in was 1030, the bus didn't arrive until gone half nine and took an *hour* to get in.
(, Thu 25 Jun 2009, 15:53, closed)
i know what you mean...
I've been on a bus stop for coming upto an hour with a load of disgrunted passengers-to-be complaing between ourselves, and as the bus arrived NO ONE complained. There was a good 12 of us too.
(, Fri 26 Jun 2009, 14:44, closed)
the 47 I think has gone not seen one in a the long periods of waiting outside the old john lewis/house of fraiser building though there seens to be more 48/49 than any of the 4 on my route for some odd reason.
(, Mon 29 Jun 2009, 6:25, closed)
First Bus? Don't you mean FARCE Bus.
Hell I can fully understand the types of arses we get both on and driving the buses in Bristol, I'm right on the route from kingswood to broadmead (41, 43, 44, 45) and it seems that every second bus is going to "not in service".
(, Mon 29 Jun 2009, 6:18, closed)

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