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This is a question Cheap Tat

OneEyedMonster remindes us about the crap you can buy in pound shops: "Batteries that lasted about an hour and then died. A screwdriver with a loose handle so I couldn't turn the damn screw, and a tape measure which wasn't at all accurate."

Similarly, my neighbour bought a lawnmower from Argos that was so cheap the wheels didn't go round, it sort of skidded over the grass whilst gently back-combing it.

What's the cheapest, most useless crap you've bought?

(, Fri 4 Jan 2008, 7:26)
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That was the point of the story. It wasn't because I'd broken the law that they nicked me, it was because some jumped up little shit spoke to them the way I did. They were in plain clothes and I honestly thought they were two blokes trying it on.

And as for your last comment,
"why don't you try breaking a law for once" just make you look like an arsehole.

Yeah yeah it's 'coooooooool' to break laws.

Here we go again. Another regimented, spineless sheep. Got to do what the big man tells you as you're too useless to take responsibility for your own life. Not enough gumption to pick and choose what laws you'll keep and what laws you'll ignore.

Well I break the law in numerous ways, on a regular basis. I get drunk. I occasionally take drugs that the nanny state doesn't approve of. If someone threatens me or attacks me, then I beat the living shit out of them - my response is *always* way out of proportion to the the threat, another crime. (It's not a good idea to threaten me or mine..)

Yup I break the law. And, if caught, I take the punishment. I might not agree with it but I take my medicine. But that won't stop me doing exactly the same thing again if I see fit.

You see, I don't agree with the raft of rules and regulations that the nanny state foists on me. I decide what I'll do. It's called self-determination.



(, Tue 8 Jan 2008, 2:15, Reply)

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