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This is a question The Credit Crunch

Did you score a bargain in Woolworths?
Meet someone nice in the queue to withdraw your 10p from Northern Rock?
Get made redundant from the job you hated enough to spend all day on b3ta?

How has the credit crunch affected you?

(, Thu 22 Jan 2009, 12:19)
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Paddy was actually rather good. He was wasted in the lib dems, unfortunately. I think a reasonable front bench would have been heseltine, ashdown and smith. Oddly enough, portillo made a good orator but his policies were awful...
(, Sat 24 Jan 2009, 0:46, 1 reply)
For God's sake man...
Listen to yourself. 'gay basket weaving'? Been reading the Daily Mail have we? Portillo was a cunt. Standing up and defending the poll tax? That's a cuntish thing to do. As is making a big deal of your opponents's homosexuality during the 1997 election only to be outed shortly after. John Major was a shit chancellor and shit Prime Minister.

What is your point exactly? That Gordon Brown is partially sighted and therefore can't be trusted? That he's a Labour politician?

Yeah, record investment in the NHS, introducing a national minimum wage and making the Bank of England independent (NOT privatising it- do you even know what 'privatisation' means? Of course you don't you spackcock, unless of course you can tell me where I can buy publicly traded shares in Bank of England plc) are all terrible, terrible things. Aren't they?

What an utter, abject cock you are.
(, Sun 25 Jan 2009, 0:46, closed)
well...let's see
1) Under Major, our economy came out of global recession faster than any other first-world economy.

2) Under Blair/Brown, we have seen a national surplus turn into a national deficit, as they piss away public money.

3) Under Major taxes were nowhere near as high as they are under Labour (and don't get me started ont he so-called stealth taxes - surplus charges on god knows what, charging to use roads you already pay for with your Road Tax, etc.

4) The so-called socilaist Labour party basically took University education back to the 1800s by making it the preserve of those rich enough to pay, as opposed to those bright enough to go.

5) Domestic debt has increased hugely. When the last recession was around, most people owed out on a mortgage and, maybe, a credit card. Now the average level of debt is 200% of the income (excluding mortgages) - no wonder we saw increased trade on the high street - more idiots had access to credit they couldn't pay for...why? because Blair and Brown decided they could beat the laws of economics and enforced deregulation of credit laws and cut the Bank of England loose from the treasury.

Yes, I might have made a quip about the monocular cunt having no "vision", but the truth of the matter is he and his jug-eared pal have done more harm to this country in ten years than the combined efforts of the French and Germans over the past 800 years. We're fucked - under their lowest-denominator-wins regime, we have teenage illiteracy and pregnancy rates that Guatemala would be ashamed of, we're scared of our children, we're obese, lazy, stressed, over-worked, have fuck all quality of life, no privacy and laws that state that you could technically be tried as a terrorist for disagreeing with government policy. Oh yes, they've done a great job. And the money for the health service? Well, if they've spent so much, how come you can't get a doctor or a dentist (or a nurse)? Oh, that's right - it's becase all the money has gone into middle-maangement and public-private trusts that generate revenue for the government without actually getting any more nurses or doctors into the health service - for fucks' sake, they can't even get the bloody places cleaned properly, despite using immigrant labour.

So, no, I don't think I'll vote Labour come the election. Sorry for not being "right on" and going with the consensus of the Notting Hill brigade, but I happen to think that this country needs a kick up the ass. Education is a joke, healthcare is a joke, Law and Order is a joke and I say that having spent time takling to many friends I have in medicine, education and the police - they're all voer-worked and fundamentally targetted towards filling out paperwork to allow spin doctors to create press-releases than they are about actually doing what they need to do.

So, if that makes me unpopular, so be it, but I don't blame the teachers, the nurses or the coppers for the state of things, I blame Balir, Brown, Blears, Prescott and all the other fuckwits who have turned us from a well-respected country, in the top five economies, with the most envied healthcare and education system in the world into a total fucking joke. Cunts.
(, Mon 26 Jan 2009, 13:50, closed)

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