The Dark
17,000 writes: Everything bad happens in the dark. Tell us your stories of noises and bumps in the night, power cuts, blindfolds and cinema fumbling.
Scaryduck LIKES EGG, Thu 23 Jul 2009, 15:49)
Synthesizer noise explosion
I've played keyboards since I was a nipper. When I was about 12 or 13 I had my shiny new Casio synth set up in my room, complete with huge closed-back headphones. I would tinkle away happily for hours composing tunes, lost in the aural fug of cheesy, formulaic three-chord music*
One hot, humid day that summer I'd been practicing after dinner. Before retiring to my
wanking fortress bed I opened the windows and switched on a tall pedestal fan I'd picked up at a thrift sale, placing the headphones on the convenient handle on top of it instead of their usual home on the floor. The fan was a bit wonky and unstable with only three of its four base legs intact, but it worked fine. I left the keyboard switched on, probably through sheer laziness.
Much later
and probably after a couple of wanks I was soundly asleep. My slumber was broken by a strong gust of wind slamming into the curtains, which brushed against the fan. I opened my bleary eyes just in time to see the rotating fan falling slowly towards the keyboard. The headphones were yanked from their jack and the fan crashed into the keyboard, pressing several keys to produce a fucking terrifying Hammer Horror 'shock cut' dischord sting followed shortly by the clattering noise of the fan itself hitting the deck. That was bad enough and undoubtedly woke the entire house (if not the street), but a moment later the room was filled with terrible electronic music playing at full volume. The cunting fan had pressed the demo button on the way down too.
I leapt out of bed into the darkness, accompanied by a rousing 80s synth ensemble blaring out of the surprisingly powerful built-in speakers. Unable to locate the power button, I yanked the plug out at the socket just as it entered a crescendo. Fucking noisy bastard.
I'm better now
chart cat has an itch, Tue 28 Jul 2009, 3:19,
6 replies)
A rare case of the fan hitting the shit
greatoldone Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl f'tagn, Tue 28 Jul 2009, 7:24,
This reply actually made me choke on my coffee...
...and a little bit of sick came out.
You owe me one pair of jeans. Have a *click* by way of recompense.
TheMagicDwarf is back like ballroom dancing, Tue 28 Jul 2009, 10:29,
That's well worth a click of anyone's money.
Moey, Tue 28 Jul 2009, 16:14,
Front page for you I hope...
You got my vote because I'm highly amused.
AndyC4m Eject Eject [><], Tue 28 Jul 2009, 9:34,
Bastard keyboards
Been there in similar ways over the years... Click, for a fellow keyboard fondler.
womanwhocanonlylivewithdogs, Tue 28 Jul 2009, 18:31,