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This is a question My Worst Date

I have horrible memories of a blind date where, desperately grabbing something at the last minute, I wore an enormously long scarf so she'd recognise me. I looked like a twat, it was clear she thought so too, and we stood saying nothing for 15 minutes in a pub before running away.

What's your worst date experience?

(, Fri 22 Oct 2004, 9:59)
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Not so bad for me...

...But my poor (current, amazingly) girlfriend.

This may get quite long, and will require background. So are you sitting comfortably, children? Then I'll begin.

I was at Uni at the time, and it was time for the summer ball. I had over the past year been quite 'active', one girl from another Uni, one who had recently left mine, and another who had mad Christian Skillz not to mention a long term boyfriend (her, not me).

Anyway, i was working on the night in question, but date and I had agreed that this could be a date anyway. Ex from other Uni and recent-leaving ex had both asked if they could stay in my halls room that night, and I had said yes. I was, after all, still officially single.

Turns out these two 'liked' each other, which led to the highlight of the evening for date (although, I'm smug to say, not for me) which was me sitting on some steps with these two girls on either side of me snogging over my legs. And then the Christian girl came to chat - sat down behind me - was a little drunk, and so was being very affectionate.

Cue date's arrival.

To her credit she took it very well, and later helped me take photos of the fireworks.

Still got to go to bed with other two, though.

No apologies at all, to anyone. For length or the fact that I'm a complete fucker.
(, Wed 27 Oct 2004, 18:50, Reply)

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