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Home » Question of the Week » Have you ever seen a dead body? » Post 125033 | Search
This is a question Have you ever seen a dead body?

How did you feel?
Upset? Traumatised? Relieved? Like poking it with a stick?

(, Thu 28 Feb 2008, 9:34)
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A semi amusing one.... and semi tenuous, as it wasn't me.

A few years back, about 6 months before the missus upped and offed, her great Grandmother passed away. She was a lovely wee woman who had reached a grand old age, and the ex was quite upset as, though well hidden, she is actually human, but I digress. The day of the funeral arrived and I went along.

We entered the funeral home where the service was to take place, and presently one of the staff arrived and asked if anyone of the immediate family would like to view the deceased. The ex, her sister and their mum all decided they would like to pay their last respects, but being that I hadn't really known the lady and I wasn't needed for emotional support, I decided it was best not to go in (even though I reeeeeeeally wanted to, honest). I wandered off a way and waited for her to re-emerge, expecting her to be a bit teary and emotional. I prepared my best cuddle and waited.

They emerged a few minutes later, and (I may have mentioned this before) my ex is not known for her quiet demeanour or tact. Instead of being dignified and emotional, she burst from the room proclaiming "That's no' ma gran!"

Everyone in earshot (which for her is a considerable distance) gave a confused stare..... of course, what she meant was that the clothes and make up they had used made her Gran look different to how she remembered her, but for a good 10 seconds, I and probably a good few other people there fully expected an Ealing style "It's the wrong body!" farce to break out. I fully imagined Terry Thomas bursting from one of the offices and careering across the entranceway wrestling to keep an old ladies cadaver from falling over.

I think I almost managed to keep the resulting sniggering quite brief, but I'm sure I wasn't the only one imagining it.

My best cuddle was duly delivered and I never told her how she almost cracked me up at her great grans funeral. Probably for the best, mind.
(, Thu 28 Feb 2008, 17:36, Reply)

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