Watching TV the other day we caught one of these "Bank of Mummy or the Wife" type shows and we thought, "This is Debt Pron." I.e. peoples financial problems exploited for the voyeuristic pleasure of others. Then we thought, "We bet lots of people on B3ta have massive financial problems. Let's exploit them." So, confess them all. Dodgy credit cards, lending money to some bloke in the pub, visits from the bailiffs, using one card to pay off another. We want to wallow in your fiscal pain. So, what is your biggest money fuck up?
( , Thu 23 Nov 2006, 19:50)
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All I've ever wanted to be was financially secure. I have a mortal fear of debt. I was brought up to never spend what I haven't got, and had it drummed into me from an early age that the only debt you should ever concede to having is a mortgage.
I am, therefore, the dullard that pays off her credit card every month by direct debit - probably because I'm too tightarsed to pay more for something than it cost in the first place. I didn't go to university until I was sure of what I wanted to do in my career and worked full-time while I did it - the real up side to that one is you can usually get your employer to sponsor it too (they paid 75% of my tuition fees).
The only petrifying time I had this year was when my employers tried to get rid of me cheaply by manufacturing an absurd case against me instead of making me redundant. Bad on many levels - not least because I am the main breadwinner in our household, and we can't pay our mortgage without me - especially if the stigma stopped me getting another job.
I fought them tooth and nail, and walked away last month with 6 month's net salary severence pay and a clean reference. Next month I start a fantastic new job on a bigger salary than before.
The moral of this story?
1. Always fight unfairness, and never let big corporations bully you and wear you down. They are often in the wrong and can be easily exposed as being so by the "little guy".
2. Never fuck with a HR person. We may be dull, but we know our stuff.
Apologies for length and lack of funniness. Fiscal pain remains the only thing that I have a total sense of humour failure about.
( , Fri 24 Nov 2006, 10:09, Reply)
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