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Home » Question of the Week » False Economies » Post 2313517 | Search
This is a question False Economies

Sometimes the cheapest option isn't the right one. I fondly remember my neighbours going to a well-known catalogue-based store and buying the cheapest lawnmower they stocked. How we laughed as they realised it had non-rotating wheels and died when presented with grass. Tell us about times you or others have been let down by being a cheapskate.

(, Tue 24 Jun 2014, 12:42)
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I'm with you...
Although over the many years I have had the cover BG are probably up on the deal, it has come in handy in some dire emergency situations - like waking up on New Years Day, AD2000 (yes, the New Minnellium) to a stone cold inoperative boiler, or a leak in an impossibly contrived position behind the bath when Lady Blink was nine months and one week pregnant.

The first would have cost us an impossible amount of money on that day, and in both cases I wouldn't have wanted to take pot luck picking atrader from the Yellow Pages.
(, Sun 29 Jun 2014, 21:08, Reply)

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