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This is a question Evidence that you're getting old

Youthful as I am, I realised yesterday that I no-longer know, or care, who is #1 in the charts. Furthermore, it takes all day to get rid of a hangover and I now seem to have a profound interest in gardening. Worst is that I now use words like 'furthermore'.

What makes you think that you are getting old?

(, Thu 28 Oct 2004, 13:01)
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I work with ladies of an average age of about 45
and being only 24 I'm regarded as their honorary daughter.

Unfortunately all this mothering and menopausal fussing is rubbing off on me.

A group of young ladies came in at around 9pm one Friday, slightly worse for wear, giggling and buying alcopops and Lambrini.

Jan (42) purses her lips and says "It's disgusting these young women out on the razz, smoking, shagging everything in sight."

I turned to reply and the words "Yes, I'd normally be tucked up in bed now, girls these days..." came out of my mouth.

I trundled home with my zimmer frame, glided up the stairs on my Stannah and cried myself to sleep.
(, Thu 28 Oct 2004, 16:10, Reply)

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