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This is a question Turning into your parents

Unable to hold back the genetic tide, I find myself gardening in my carpet slippers, asking for a knife and fork in McDonalds and agreeing with the Daily Telegraph. I'm beyond help - what about you?

Thanks to b3th for the suggestion

(, Thu 30 Apr 2009, 13:39)
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This QOTW does not apply to me
OK, so I can't really help looking, talking and walking like my father. But while I love and respect my dad, I have spent my entire life trying to avoid following in his footsteps in the following ways:

- not becoming an accountant
- actually having something to do with my life outside work
- having some friends

So let's see:

- I'm a computer programmer
- I enjoy, er, programming computers
- I do have friends, but have moved so far away from them that I only see them a couple of times a year

So as you can see, I am completely different from my father. Right, I'm just off to read my newspaper for an entire day while muttering about the state of the country.
(, Thu 30 Apr 2009, 14:36, Reply)

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