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This is a question Turning into your parents

Unable to hold back the genetic tide, I find myself gardening in my carpet slippers, asking for a knife and fork in McDonalds and agreeing with the Daily Telegraph. I'm beyond help - what about you?

Thanks to b3th for the suggestion

(, Thu 30 Apr 2009, 13:39)
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It's worrying
Recently started listening to Radio 2 all day
Look forward to watching Question Time
Three vertebrae in my spine have had to be fused together & I now make old man noises everytime I get up from my sofa.
I am afraid to go to nightclubs & am in bed by 10pm most nights.
I grow tomatoes, compare the state of my lawn with my 50ish neighbour & I am already wondering when it will be ok to put hanging baskets out without worrying about frost.
Am sure I am starting to get gout.

I am 35.
(, Thu 30 Apr 2009, 15:06, Reply)

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