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Home » Question of the Week » The passive-aggressive guilt trip » Post 41497 | Search
This is a question The passive-aggressive guilt trip

My mother is an expert in the guilt-trip. Last week she phoned to say "Happy Birthday" and, after a 10 minute conversation, finished with, "Well, I hope you have a nicer time than I did on the day you were born."

She also stated that she was going to kill herself when she reached 65. On Christmas Day morning. Having rung up to see if there was anything she could bring for lunch.

I think it's just a mother thing, but how good are your relatives and friends at the passive-aggessive?

(, Thu 13 Oct 2005, 9:52)
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Hi, my name's Jaffafairy and -
- I AM the passive-agressive girlfriend!

I apologise to you all on behalf of passive-agressive girlfriends everywhere - we only do it because cosmo told us to!!

Seriously - silent phone-sulking, guilt-tripping into making dinner, constant reminders of various mistakes and infidelities as emotional blackmail - I've done it all...

But don't worry - I'm going to the meetings and hope to get better soon :)
(, Fri 14 Oct 2005, 16:19, Reply)

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