My landlord had some builders in to remove a staircase in an outbuilding when a rusty biscuit tin fell out from under the woodwork.
What wonders were in this hidden treasure box? Two live hand grenades and 40 rounds of ammunition. From WW2. I've never seen builders run before.
What hidden treasures have you uncovered?
( , Thu 30 Jun 2005, 13:33)
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Here's some:
1) I was at a festival new years just gone and I had the sudden urge to smoke a spliff. Started to wonder who I knew that sold pot when I glanced down and found a brand new pouch of tobacco. Looked inside and found a pack of papers with bits of cardboard torn off. Realised what was going on, had a hunt around inside the pouch and found about 2 grams of fantastically filthy pot near the bottom. Score!
2) Sometimes I explore abandoned factories and the like with mates. Recently we found a pallet of Ribena in a freshly abandoned factory and I netted about 10 boxes with 24 bottles in each box. I'm drinking some now, it's rather nice. Last week I drank an entire box in one day and it turned my piss greyish-blue. Also explored an abandoned Tetley Tea factory the other week and found a box with over 6,500 Tetley premium tea bags. I sold 1,000 to my mum's work.
3) When I was young I helped my dad repair the back verandah of a vacant property. During smoke-o I went for an explore underneath and found a box with 1,000s of rusty coins. They were all 5 and 10c pieces amounting to about $30, but for a kid it was treasure indeed. I blew it all on sweets; ate a few, threw up, mum confiscated the rest. Easy come, easy go.
These happened to mates but they make me laugh:
1)Mate and his friend were on a working holiday in Britain with more 'holiday' action than 'work'. They were walking home one night after a few drinks without a penny left and the rent was due the next morning. My mate picked up a used nappy and threw it at his friend as a joke, friend skillfully dodged the fecal missile which proceeded to hit the ground and burst spewing out a wad of £100 notes. They scored about 500 quid.
2) Another friend found a full pouch of tobacco at a train station once. He didn't smoke but took it home for his housemates who did. They opened it up and inside was a pile of torn up paper and a note saying "sucked in cunt".
( , Fri 1 Jul 2005, 10:04, Reply)
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