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What was your worst flat share experience? Tell us, for we want to know.

(, Thu 5 Apr 2007, 18:22)
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In our second year at uni, my boyfriend lived witth two guys and two girls. For a couple of months, everything was going well and everyone got on. But then the house divded. We noticed that one of the guys and one of the girls weren't doing any tidying, cleaning or washing up. Not just the odd plate, but takeaway containers left to grow stuff in the lounge, bits of food all over the floor, plates left for food to ingrain itself. And when they ran out of their own plates, they started using the others stuff. When I was staying I got so fed up with it that I gave in and did the washing up, scrubbed the tables etc and hoovered. It didn't stay clean for long though. They were back to their usual ways, leaving the toilet in a state etc. By the the end of the year we took to locking our stuff in our rooms to stop them using it. The atmosphere in the house was so bad, I felt really uncomfortable being there. It sucked.

I also met one person with really bad hayfever and they had obviously been too lazy to get a tissue, cos there was snot smeared all over the door :S
(, Mon 9 Apr 2007, 10:51, Reply)

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