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What astonishingly stupid stuff have you overheard people saying? Tell us, and tell the world.

(, Thu 6 Jan 2005, 22:51)
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I work in a large supermarket (starts with an M and ends in a orrisons). We have had no end of problems with getting thick as shit customers to adapt to chip an pin cards. some gems are

1. old couple ignoring my instructions on how to use the card reader causing it to crash (they do actually crash sometimes, like any computer). when i told them it was because they'd ignored me the old woman replied "dont you know the customer is allways right"

2.lady " swipe it, i want to see what im paying for"
me "there's a screen on the card reader that tells you the full amount"
her"no offence but you could make that say any number"
me *taking piss* "oh right the same way I could make the recipt print anything "
her *shocked* "can you do that?"
me *exasperated* "no"

even signing for credit cards seems to challange some people. Its illegal to accept a card that isnt signed, or signed in front of you but some people dont realise this.

me" I cant accept this card its unsinged"
woman"ok ill just sign it now"
me " still cant accept it if you sign it in front of me"
woman *getting angry* "ok just look away for a minuate"

my best story though comes from a actuall doctor who typical to his profession signed like a cackhanded illterate

me" this signiture dosent match the one on your card, could you sign it again please"
Dr" im in here all the time, cant you just accept it?"
me "no, could you sign again please"
Dr"get your supervisor"
*supervisor arrives*
her"what seems to be the trouble?"
Dr *irate by now* "he wont accept my card because HE SAYS THE SIGNATURES DONT MATCH"
supervisor " your going to have to sign again, its for your security"
The doctor signed again,this time more carefully
as he stormed off he said "last time I shop here". Dear FUCKING CHRIST I hope he dosent work for the NHS.

Bottom line dont complain about credit card fraud people bring it on themselves.
(, Mon 10 Jan 2005, 16:40, Reply)

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