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This is a question Irrational Fears

My mate Dan is afraid of turning his back on a flushing toilet. "It'll suck me in", he says. Can you beat him with your own true story of an irrational fear?

(, Tue 27 Jan 2004, 13:24)
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Vampires, i've had a thing about vampires since I was little which was made worse age 6-8 by watchjing a show caled "real life Vampires"(american obviously) aboout people luring old women to warehouses slitting their throughts and draining off all their blood into a bucket so there was no bloody marks and then robbing them. of course being the wee thing I was was i didn't reallyunderstand this onceptand it simply made memore paranoid. I still can't sleep in a room that doesn't follow "the rules" to this day.
Things I must NOT do:
1. Sleep in a bed beneath a window (thats just asking for trouble)
2. Leave the window open (see above)
3. Leave curtains open. (they'll see in)
4. Sleep on front or either side (they'll sneakup on you from the direction you cant see)
5. And this is the most important. Never, EVER, sleep with your neck out of the covers,always pull them right up to your chin, ALWAYS!

Sorry to go on but this is still a big part of my life and traumatised me 'til I was 14

edit: not exactly a fear but the noise of fingernails on any kind of rough fabric, that scritchy scrachy noice makes me want to rip of my fingernails but only after I've clawed my own eyes out. If I scartch anything like this with one of my own nails immidiate action must be taken and it must be removed, they vibrate, sometimes I have to bite them off when their are no scissors. Similarly when I bend a nail.

edit 2: just seen one at the bottom of the page about haunted houses, i was exactly the same apart from even when I'd been through someone on either side eyes closed fingers in ears, i'd cry when I came out anyway
(, Tue 27 Jan 2004, 22:04, Reply)

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