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Home » Question of the Week » Job Interviews » Post 21843 | Search
This is a question Job Interviews

If it's not the "where do you see yourself in five years time" question, it's the trick questions they throw at you to make them feel superior. Tell us about your worst job interview and the most unsuited candidates you've seen. BTW: Please don't use the question board to send messages to each other. It makes the whole thing unreadable for everyone else.

(, Thu 20 Jan 2005, 9:51)
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Who'd have thought it, me, a rich, gifted, will-get-everything-way-too-easily-in-life and I'm well cocky brainbox, flunked my Oxford/Cambridge/any other uni that isn't a former polytechnic interview with some "crayzee" "professor". Man, I'm bad.
(, Mon 24 Jan 2005, 21:20, Reply)

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