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This is a question Karma

Sue Denham writes, "I once slipped out of work two hours early without the boss noticing. In my hurry to make the most of this petty victory, I knocked myself out on the car door and spent the rest of the day semi-conscious, bowking rich brown vomit over my one and only suit."

Have you been visited by the forces of Karma, or watched it happen to other people?

Thanks to Pooflake for the suggestion

(, Thu 21 Feb 2008, 14:24)
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A good friend of mine
Recently got a shiney new iMac... within a couple of weeks that one had died, thanks to the heinious (sp?) crime of attempting to play a dvd on the damn thing.

A couple of weeks after recieving the replacement, same thing happened but without any reason at all.

He's now on his third iMac, which matches his iTouch perfectly and will nicely complement his new MacBook when he gets it.

I regularly question why he buys this garbage, as for the same price you can get a far better PC or mp3 player (and to be fair to him, he hasn't yet come up with any reasons other than they're pretty).

The whole diehard Mac fan attitude some people have I find just annoying.. how mac's are the best thing since sliced broadband, and they never ever go wrong ever. They do, and I have proof; said friend's iMac crashes and freezes more often than my 2 year old laptop running XP.

Rock On
(, Tue 26 Feb 2008, 0:43, Reply)

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