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This is a question Why I was late

"On the way to the station, I got hit by a bat, it almost took my head clean off. Then the machine would not accept my ticket and the guy at the gate didn't think I looked like the photo on my travel card. So I had to go home and get my passport.

Then the train was 45 minutes late to the station because of the dangerous badger threat at Carpenters Park.

When I was on the train it took and hour and a half to get past the biscuit factory because the driver was really fat.

Then there was a delay stopping at the station because the train in front had heard we were coming and decided to play a practical joke with a rubber shoe on the track.

That is why I couldn't get here on time today."

What's your best excuse?

(, Thu 28 Jun 2007, 10:36)
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Kinder eggs
Now, in a previous post I mentioned how I would always do my best to get to the school bus on time. The mate I got the bus with was saddly a little less bothered then me. In the short time before going to school, we had decided to go to the shop and buy kinder eggs, mostly so we could make the toys and throw them into the road (I'd say it was the folly of youth, but we were at least 15). I ate and made mine quickly, I forget what it was, but thats not the issue, my mate had gotten a tricky one, snoopy on skis. every 5th step he paused as he tried to force the head onto the torso, which was addmitedly, very hard. This constant hinderence made us late, we saw the bus drive merrily by when we were 30 seconds from the bus stop, I swore and he let out a squeal of joy, snoopys head finaly fit on.

In angry I snatched the toy and threw it at the bus stop, were its head came off and ended up in a garden. how we laughed.

Icing on the cake, stroling into physics 15 mins late and explaining that "snoopy's head woulden't fit his body" still tickles me today.

Length? A head shorter then before we got to the bus stop.
(, Fri 29 Jun 2007, 14:31, Reply)

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