"Apologies, anger, declarations of love, things you want to say to people, but can't or didn't get the chance to." Suggestion via reducedfatLOLcat.
( , Thu 4 Mar 2010, 13:56)
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Dear sister in law,
I know it is a few years since I sent the email that dropped the bomb on our veneer thin family relationship and looking back, I can see all the things I wrote about way you packed in your marriage, my openness about my thoughts about how you did it without reason, beyond he didn’t treat you like a princess anymore, made no effort to try and make it work,how you made false allegations about his ‘violence’ toward you, lied about sexual impropriety that nearly cost him his job, and the right to see his daughter, the way you slagged off his mother at her funeral behind his back and saying how couldn’t stand to see his grieving orphan act.
Reviewing all that about how I was being frank and candid to you and my mother in law about how you saw your disabled niece twice in two years , made big promises to the other children then always let them down, your bullying behaviour toward your sister, my wife, who was going through her lowest point in her life. it wasn't an ideal way of doing things.
But now three years later, you are married to a lovely guy, have a happy life 240 miles away from your daughters father (and didn’t tell him till a month before you went) how he never complains about how you fleece him of money, in addition spending 8 grand year on travel alone but you won’t change any arrangement to help out despite hubby no2 being on the scene (who has no money) .
Funny how you were the most valued person at your company and they decided to make only you redundant, and how many friends went to your second wedding?, oh that’s right, none because you don’t have any.
BUT, all is better now my mother in law is talking to me and being nice, helping out and we can be civil in public, everyone is happier and I can see how that email caused all the ructions it did.
But truth be told, I stand by every word you narcissistic, dopey fucking bitch, for the pain, hurt, resentment and misery you have caused because you still don’t see that any of it was your fault and still believe everyone else was to blame.
You still haven’t made any effort to see your niece despite her being a year in great Ormond street hospital.
Funny now the wheels are starting to come off the latest perfect family you have married into and your falling in to the same old patterns, how your parents in law are now less than the perfect people you once described them as being.
But I won’t be able to say ‘I fucking told you so’ to anyone as muggings will get the blame once again.
I stand by every word I wrote and would not hesitate to press send again as it cut straight through your layers of lies and exposed your empty dark heart for who you are.
Actually, I wished I had the chance to say it to your face but never seeing you around, it just wasn’t possible.
So my mask of niceness will stay on now and in the future. and if you ever put your hands up to say I was wrong you will be forgiven in an instant because then we can all really move on.
( , Mon 8 Mar 2010, 17:05, 1 reply)
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