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This is a question Local Nutters

Everywhere in the world has its fair share of deranged people. I grew up in Wolverhampton and remember the Polish tramp who lived in a tent on the roundabout. Legend had it that his coat was stuffed with cash. More recently I notice the guy who spends his day pushing a trolley round Camden Sainsburys shouting, "Best of luck!". Constantly. Tell us about your local nutters. Points for details. Extra points for photos.

(, Thu 16 Sep 2004, 11:54)
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When I was at uni in Preston in 1996 / 97
I used to regularly see a guy outside HMV on the high street who was quite often (ok, always) pissed as fuckety fuck, who would quite often "dance" (a kind of waving shuffle type thing) and sing "Ice Ice Baby". And I'm talking about the full version here, verses and all.

"All right stop" (hand pushed out)
"Collaborate and listen!" (waving hand about)
"Ice is back with a brand new invention"

and then continue shaking his hand about in time to the music.

(, Thu 16 Sep 2004, 13:53, Reply)

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