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This is a question Local Nutters

Everywhere in the world has its fair share of deranged people. I grew up in Wolverhampton and remember the Polish tramp who lived in a tent on the roundabout. Legend had it that his coat was stuffed with cash. More recently I notice the guy who spends his day pushing a trolley round Camden Sainsburys shouting, "Best of luck!". Constantly. Tell us about your local nutters. Points for details. Extra points for photos.

(, Thu 16 Sep 2004, 11:54)
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How could I forget!
Harmonica man! He frequents Nuneaton AND Coventry :( He's normally outside Woolies or the Fruit and Veg shop in Nuneaton. In Coventry, he was outside Sainsburys till they knocked it down. He plays the harmonica in an, er... unusual way - by randomly moving it left to right while breathing in and out, doing some sort of Riverdance. He has an empty fruitbasket that people actually put money into. He always rewards them with a saucy wink.

Then there's the topless Rasta of Coventry (does what it says on the tin - even in winter, he's shirtless, with a jumper tied round his waist. Is never seen without a bag full of bananas).

... and the guy who always gets on the Coventry/Nuneaton buses, carrying absolute shitloads of suitcases. He gurns at me every time I see him and chats up ladies on the bus. If no ladies are available, and the bus driver is female he will chat her up. If no ladies at all are available, he will tell anyone who will listen about his holiday and how he keeps getting the sack for drinking at work. Is obsessed with cider and often necks 2 cans in a 10-minute journey. Once came into the shop my ex worked in, asked if her trousers were leather, then started shaking and wet himself.

Just think, it could be you one day...
(, Fri 17 Sep 2004, 12:22, Reply)

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