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This is a question Local Nutters

Everywhere in the world has its fair share of deranged people. I grew up in Wolverhampton and remember the Polish tramp who lived in a tent on the roundabout. Legend had it that his coat was stuffed with cash. More recently I notice the guy who spends his day pushing a trolley round Camden Sainsburys shouting, "Best of luck!". Constantly. Tell us about your local nutters. Points for details. Extra points for photos.

(, Thu 16 Sep 2004, 11:54)
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And then there's College...
My college has a large building in it with a large area especially for 'special needs' cases and so we get a few nutters in and around the campus. Most are regular spackers and as such should not be mocked as it's not their fault, but there are a few that have that extra edge of madness that makes it OK to laugh at. Favourites include the boy who *constantly* wears a crisp black suit, white shirt, bow tie... no-one knows why. Then there's the couple who are clearly in love as much as spackerdom can allow, and basically never take their hands off each other - I think the male half of the couple was suspended for a few weeks at the end of last year for allegedly fingering the other's arsehole in the canteen (not a silly college rumour, this was confirmed by the tutors) while eating chips. Sick chip-eating spacker loons.

As for the others, their transport, the 'Sunshine Bus' (as it is called, for that's what's painted on the side of it) used to park right outside the window of my old Philosophy room, which made for many un-PC giggles. I've dropped the subject now, and I still feel guilty.

I'm scared of turning into a nutter, really - if my uncle was a little louder then he'd surely make the list if anyone from Shoebury is about - he's very much English (was born and bred in Hornchurch) but has never been quite there, according to other members of the family. He's called Stan, works for the council (I think - I haven't seen him in years) and talks with an American accent. No-one, not even close family, knows why. If anyone's heard of my nutty uncle Stan, be sure to mention him if you want...
(, Fri 17 Sep 2004, 17:11, Reply)

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