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Home » Question of the Week » Missing body parts » Post 56482 | Search
This is a question Missing body parts

Now there are some bits of your body you don't mind losing - my dad's just got rid of a kidney stone, my own tonsils once tried to asphyxiate me, and nobody wants warts.

Other bits are more useful - a family friend recently lost an arm... which would be OK if his job wasn't managing dis-armament talks.

What have you lost, and where did you leave it?

(, Thu 1 Jun 2006, 18:22)
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Chav In A Box? Innit --my sympathies
The condition of having no enamel on your teeth is enamel hypoplasia. It's caused by having a high fever at 3 weeks old* and being born premature, among other things. My son has it and is also needle and dento-phobic. (That is entirely due to the asswipe so-called "pediatric" dentist who snapped, "Don't be such a baby!" then held him down and jammed a needle in his face.) He'll need crowns and caps replaced throughout his life and I don't doubt the condition will exclude him from getting any decent dental insurance, poor kid.

*Three weeks is when enamel is usually laid down on your adult molars. Fevers will disrupt the process and once 3 weeks of age have passed, it's too late.
(, Wed 7 Jun 2006, 18:59, Reply)

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