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This is a question My Collection

Do you have display cabinets full of stuff? With it all neatly labelled, cross-referenced and entered into a database. Have you been to a convention? Do other collectors look up to you in awe?

I thought I was above this one. I'm not that autistically geeky that I have a Collection with a capital C. But no, I remembered I'm hoarding away every version of "Inside Macintosh" ever published.

What do you collect? And why? I mean, what makes you do it?

(, Thu 11 Jan 2007, 16:52)
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Cars. I collect cars.
More specifically, old Citroëns. I don't have a full set because my gf would kill me. I have had, however, in alphabetical order, an AX, a BX (briefly before it was stolen from my workshop and vandalised), two CXes (still got one), a Dyane, two GSAs (still got one of those, too) and about four or five XMs. I haven't had (but would like to get) a 2CV (any variant, although some would argue you need one of each), an Ami. a DS, a GS (different to a GSA, slightly), an H-van, an ID and *maybe* a ZX (but only a Volcane, in black).
Apologies for the green oily stains on the driveway...
(, Fri 12 Jan 2007, 22:01, Reply)

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