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Home » Question of the Week » Advice from Old People » Post 182409 | Search
This is a question Advice from Old People

Sometimes, just sometimes, old people say something worth listening to. Ok, so it's like picking the needle out of a whole haystack of mis-remembered war stories, but those gems should be celebrated.

Tell us something worthwhile an old-type person has told you.

Note, we're leaving the definition of old up to you, you smooth-skinned youngsters.

(, Thu 19 Jun 2008, 16:16)
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Keep your damn hands off my "thread"!

Mr. Z, if it helps, I was nearly an hour late to work, and my mouth tastes like an ashtray.


Also, I had to phone my brothers school for him, to say he was ill today. (he wasn't really, he just wanted to sleep, but fair enough).
So I told a graphic, and slightly disturbing story of him vomiting everywhere because I'd given him bad squid. To his form tutor.
Who sounded both disgusted and disturbed.
(, Wed 25 Jun 2008, 12:25, Reply)

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