For some they may have been the highlight of the school week, but all we remember is a never-ending series of punishments involving inappropriate nudity and climbing up ropes until you wet yourself.
Tell us about your PE lessons and the psychotics who taught them.
( , Thu 19 Nov 2009, 17:36)
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When I was in me secondary school I was not the most able of kids and put in the lower PE class. I wasn't bad actually, just wasn't interested in playing rugby in horizontal rain conditions.
Ya know, looking back at this our school was incredibly black and white when it came to if you were worthy of real PE or not. If you were then all football and rugby, if not it was always in the gym every day it's raining playing tennis-ball cricket. Also because of this central divide it meant that people who was not that bad at sports and PE were stuck playing dodgeball with the disabled kids.
Not that this isn't fun. Hurling a giant tennisball full pelt in a dribbley's face and not getting arrested is something every child should be allowed to experience at least once in their life.
But one particular disabled kid in this rough council estate all-boys school was actually one of the lads and it was generally regarded as cool to hang around with him. "The Weebo". He was about 4 foot tall and completely circular in body mass, and walked with a limp due to one leg not being formed correctly. Due to has overly large mass and odd composition however he was freakishly strong, even though he couldn't run and only move about like a one flippered penguin. In terms of marbles though he was quite possibly one of the most sound and funniest guys I've ever spoken to.
Anyhows, back to PE. Weebo as normal is forced to sit this on out, as he couldn't pretty much move unless he had 5 minutes notice beforehand. He's managed to perch himself on top of a vaulting horse to the side of the gym, on the touchline. We're all playing football and having a laugh, that was until one of the larger school bullies started throwing his weight about during the game. Well I say larger, he was the same height as us but just had a big head (in the physical and attitudal sense). He started mouthing off and was bullying some of the lesser able kids and was making himself look a complete wanker. The PE teacher is totally aware of this by the way and just stands there watching him abuse everyone. Cheers teach you cunt.
Halfway through the game, aforementioned cunt wins a throw-in right in front of Weebo's perch. As he's getting ready to throw in he whispers some sort of insult to Weebo before turning his back on him. Oh dear, Weebo didn't like that. So much so that he leapt off his perch and all 15 stone of him landed on the prick's back, while Weebo got his tree-trunk arms around his throat and got him in a choke hold. Amazingly the prick managed to stay on his feet for about 5 seconds before the gorilla swinging of Weebo eventually slapped him hard to the ground. Even more amazing was the fact that Weebo didn't let go and they rolled about on the floor, choking the life out of him.
After about 30 seconds of everyone watching this and pissing themselves laughing (in some cases literally) the PE teacher finally decided to step in, which only seemed to be when the bully's head started turning a rather healthy shade of purple. Ah well, maybe the teach wasn't such a cunt after all. Also, because the news of a disabled kid beating up the bully on school ground and being allowed to get away with it by teachers meant that the bully's days were numbered. As Weebo was always there. Watching and waiting :D
( , Fri 20 Nov 2009, 10:01, 3 replies)

1 - Tard strength, as in your aforementioned story
2 - Dad strength - why is it you can never beat your Dad at arm-wrestling?
3 - Old man strength - see above re: Grandad or if you ever play football with older men who have stayed fit all their life, their amazing ability to barge you off the ball is something to behold.
( , Fri 20 Nov 2009, 10:23, closed)

When I was in college, a resident tard tried to bull rush me. Literally. He stuck his head down, started dragging his foot back. He charged at me, and at the last possible moment I jumped out of the way onto a wall next to me.
He flew passed, unable to stop, and knocked himself out cold on a door behind me. The door was dented. Their heads are strong :)
( , Fri 20 Nov 2009, 11:05, closed)

Bully getting a taste of his own medicine - good
Bully getting a taste of his own medicine from a mutie - awesome
( , Sun 22 Nov 2009, 11:41, closed)
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