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This is a question Personal Hygiene

There comes a point at which your hygiene becomes less your problem and more everyone else's:

My old school nurse never seemed to wash - instead she wrapped herself in crepe bandages from the first aid kits. The smell was beyond pungent. If you got ill at school, it was better to suffer than try and explain symptoms whilst only breathing out.

When she was eventually 'let go',they had to strip the wallpaper in her office to get rid of the lingering odour.

How scuzzy have you got? Or, failing that, how bad have people you know got?

(, Thu 22 Mar 2007, 12:40)
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Smelly Socks in Deutschland
As an IT contractor, I've had a couple of jobs which involves me working overseas. One of these jobs was working for a dotcom company based in Munich called Websentric (later known as Meteor). When I first moved to Munich I was unprepared for the 6 months of alcohol abuse and constant clubbing which were about to happen.

Anyway, on my first night in Munich, we stayed at a nice hotel called Hotel Daniel on Sonnenstrasse in Munich. Some collegues had also been booked into the same hotel and came round to my room to invite me out. I did go out and we ended up going to a bar, drinking then going to a club until early hours. I had to go straight to work the next day stinking of booze, sweat and smelly socks (this was my first day on the job). I remember sitting at my desk and the stench drifting up from under the desk was unbearable. Later that night we went straight from work to someones rather posh house. It had wooden floors and the owner insisted the we take our shoes off as we entered the house, so cue sitting for half an hour with the other guys trying hard not to breathe and then someone eventually choking out..."erm, mind if I open a window" whilst looking disgusted at me. Never been so embarrassed. This continued for 6 months as we would frequently spend up to 3 nights on the trot without going home and actually changing clothes. The office really did stink with all these british well paid IT contractors getting smashed every night and forgetting about hygiene..I was the worse though :)

I can bet a few ex-websentric employees/contractors actually read this site and will remember this story :)
(, Fri 23 Mar 2007, 12:10, Reply)

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