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This is a question Petty Sabotage

I once put magnets on my brothers collection of ZX81 cassettes, so when he attempted to play them, they were full of errors and yet apparently undamaged. Can you beat that? Tell us your tales of petty sabotage.

(, Wed 4 May 2005, 10:59)
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i am so naughty
Two nights ago, my flatmate was annoying me by making loud noise late at night. Normally this doesn't bother me, as i am up until the early hours anyway, but on this occasion i had a very early start.

So, to get my own back i hacked into his computer (OK - he once remote logged into his from mine and i ticked the box to store his password in my keychain), and proceeded to delete all his preference files. This would reset all his computer to factory settings (almost).

I should mention that my flatmate knows nothing about computers and comes to me for the slightest thing (usually click something and it's fixed), so this would prove to be highly amusing.

Half an hour later there was still a large volume of noise coming from his room. So once again i logged onto his computer and proceeded to swap all the icons and application names around. 10min later, and clicking on photoshop opened a game of chess, clicking on firefox opened garageband, the list went on.

Being very proud of myself, i went to bed.

My beautiful masterpiece of revenge backfired however, when early the next morning he came banging on my door screaming 'EMERGENCY EMERGENCY!!!'. I then had to spend the day 'fixing' his computer whilst he was at work.

The best thing is though, because 'i spent so long' on 'fixing' his PowerBook, he is buying me a bottle of posh wine!!! YAY! (should i feel guilty - Nah!!).

He is still under the impression that he had some sort of virus. A virus - on an Apple Mac? - don't be ridiculous!

PS RARRRRRRRRRRR! (for my mac is now a Tiger) Grrrrrr! ;-)
(, Fri 6 May 2005, 1:13, Reply)

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