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This is a question Phobias

What gives you the heebie-jeebies?

It's a bit strong to call this a phobia, but for me it's the thought of biting into a dry flannel. I've no idea why I'd ever want to or even get the opportunity to do so, seeing as I don't own one, but it makes my teeth hurt to think about it. *ewww*

Tell us what innocent things make you go pale, wobbly and send shivers down your spine.

(, Thu 10 Apr 2008, 13:34)
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Not exactly a phobia, but...
Eating in the dark - I just can't. I mean, there could be just anything in there and I would bite into it completely unawares. This is not assisted by Mrs Greencloud who dislikes bright light 'a-la Gremlins.'

I can only just bear it if I've prepared the food myslef in the properly illuminated kitchen, and therefore know that nothing untoward is contained therein.

The cause may be my biting into a cheese pasty (pastie?) and observing a green lump therein. I no longer eat bakery food.
(, Mon 14 Apr 2008, 14:34, Reply)

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