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This is a question What's the hardest you've tried to get dumped?

Groovypoodle writes, "My mate once told his girlfriend that he didn't think it was working only for her to laugh and tell him he was hilarious. Saying she was 'too weird' and 'slightly violent' and that he didn't like her was equally hilarious. Ripping off her wing mirror, throwing it through the windscreen
and storming off in a huff merely generated an apology from her a week later..."

Just how hard have you had to work to get someone to take the hint and stay dumped?

(, Thu 5 Jun 2008, 10:33)
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@ Mordred
My parents never had pre-marital sex, never lived together before they married, but it was a different world then and my dad has truly stuck to his guns about it; he's always been against doing things like that when you're not married and once told me that if I got pregnant and I wasn't married he'd disown me (way to give a girl a complex about sex, dad).

I respect him above all else for sticking to his guns and he raised me to never take shit from people so I really do understand why he's done this, but it makes me feel awful that he's disappointed in me and genuinely believes that his and my mum's roles in my life are at an end, but I do agree with you that he's playing the guilt card somewhat. I only live 200 miles from them and they've driven it lots of times to come and see me, and while they've not seen me since January I'm more than happy to see them, but I need to live life my way now. They're coming down to move me out of halls next week and into... wherever... but I'm dreading seeing him if this all isn't resolved but I don't know where to begin with it, and on top of that he's shat the boyfriend up well...

Thanks :)
(, Fri 6 Jun 2008, 0:17, Reply)

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