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This is a question What's the hardest you've tried to get dumped?

Groovypoodle writes, "My mate once told his girlfriend that he didn't think it was working only for her to laugh and tell him he was hilarious. Saying she was 'too weird' and 'slightly violent' and that he didn't like her was equally hilarious. Ripping off her wing mirror, throwing it through the windscreen
and storming off in a huff merely generated an apology from her a week later..."

Just how hard have you had to work to get someone to take the hint and stay dumped?

(, Thu 5 Jun 2008, 10:33)
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My dad sounds like yours
Very firm morals, old fashioned - the only time I've ever seen him cry was the day I moved out to go to uni.

He was always on my case about my degree, was it the right one for me, what was I going to do with my life, was I selling myself short when I could be doing better? Fact is he just wants the best for me as he's scared that I'll end up discontented with whatever I do and be miserable.

Your dad clearly loves you a lot and is concerned about you, so help him be involved in your life without being his little girl anymore. I make a point of asking him and my mum for advice on things even if I don't actually need it as it makes them feel good. My brothers frequently ask my mum for parenting advice for their own children when they dont need it as it makes her feel good to pass on knowledge.

I hope things work out better for you and your dad soon x
(, Fri 6 Jun 2008, 12:35, Reply)

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