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Home » Question of the Week » Mad Stuff You've Done To Get Someone To Sleep With You » Post 76751 | Search
This is a question Mad Stuff You've Done To Get Someone To Sleep With You

Alexxx says "We've all gone a little too far at one time or another to get a girl, or a guy, to sleep with us. I've a friend who spent close to a thousand pounds orchestrating a terrible day for a collegue, so he could comfort her and get in her knickers. Only to find out she had a boyfriend, who proposed in order to cheer her up."

So, how far have you gone?

(, Fri 13 Apr 2007, 9:01)
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Not so much mad – just a pain in the arse really.
To get this one girl to have sex with me I had to:

- Learn how to use ridiculous and irritating text speak.
- Pretend I was a huge fan of Avril Lavigne.
- Lie about my age.
- Act as if I was a lot stupider than I really am.
- Pretend I hated my parents (I really don’t – we have a great relationship).
- Watch Hollyoaks every single day, even though I can’t stand it, just so we’d have something to talk about.
- Send photos of someone else just so she’d agree to meet up with me.
- Arrange to meet up in secret because I knew other people might not approve.
- Stifle her screams of terror.

It was defintiely worth it though. :)
(, Mon 16 Apr 2007, 14:34, Reply)

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