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This is a question Procrastination

Outlook is a wonderful tool, but not when it keeps reminding you that it is now 96 weeks since you were supposed to finish a report you haven't even started yet.

Just how lazy are you? How long will you put off the essential or the inevitable? What do you fill the time with?

(We're too lazy to write something funny here. You do it.)

(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 18:18)
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commencing seventhification
My 2 cents:

The supermarket job will slowly kill you. Every day you'll die a little inside. Go to the interview.

Supermarket training hardly requires the use of expensive and scarce resources like LHC time, they're turning over staff constantly because it's so shite.

University interviews require the assembly of a panel of academics, and you know what they're like for scheduling availability - a parade of tutorials, meetings, research, and whatnot. And if forced to be excluded from a rescheduled interview, that person will carry it as a personal slight to their graves if you don't let them screen you before hiring.
(, Thu 20 Nov 2008, 14:13, Reply)

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