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This is a question Professions I Hate

Broken Arrow says: Bankers, recruitment consultants, politicians. What professions do you hate and why?

(, Thu 27 May 2010, 12:26)
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maybe its just me?
but I would never give to any charity that hires chuggers or spends money on advertising for donations, I don't agree with the guilt trip society

and don't say "oh then you must never give any money to charity because they all advertise", actually they don't and I give away about 20% of my salary to various charities that not many people here will have heard of (and I don't get paid a lot before someone claims I'm some overpaid BMW driving office manager, I get £20k p/a)

before you go and give money to one of the big named charities or chuggers, just have a thought to yourself, surely you must know somebody in need? A friend of a friend who is a family carer? A homeless guy in your town who could do with a sandwich and a coffee (note: its best to sit and have a chat with them and ask if they would like some food/cofee rather than just drop a fiver into their hands)? Wouldn't you rather give 100% to the end person than 30% to some advertisers, 10% to some rich CEO, 20% to some chugger and then the rest maybe goes to someone in need?
(, Wed 2 Jun 2010, 17:43, Reply)

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