Completely Underwhelmed writes, "I was on a bus the other day when a man got on wearing shorts, over what looked like greeny grey leggings. Then the stench hit me. The 'leggings' were a mass of open wounds, crusted with greenish solidified pus that flaked off in bits as he moved."
What's the worst public transport experience you've ever had?
( , Thu 29 May 2008, 15:13)
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But one of the scariest. For almost a year, about a decade ago, I was commuting between York and Leeds; a nice easy train journey and no real problems most of the time, except the time it was so hot the signals all went haywire and I ended up travelling in a train quite like one of those rotisary ovens at the hot chicken counter at Tescos, but much more crowded and not so pleasant smelling, however...
One evening, after an early start and a late finish, I got onto my homebound train and found a nice window seat at a 'table for four' type seat. As I got comfy, got my book out and prepared to settle down to a 30 minute read, I glanced at the guy sat opposite me. He was an armed robber.
No question. He was about 6' 4" and built like a lock forward. He was in his late 40s/early 50s and he was wearing a denim jacket, his hair was grey, wavy and shoulder length, combed back from his face. His face was more ploughed than wrinkled, he looked like Sirrius Black's nasty older brother, he was scowling, but not actively scowling, more as if that was his natural expression. And oh, on the table in front of him was a huge sports bag which looked as if it was stuffed full of cash - no other way to describe it - over which his arms were draped, so that I could see the tatoos on his hands.
All of this I took in, in about one second. To say I didn't try to stare him out would be an understatement on the scale of saying something like a Formula One driver during a race didn't try to keep to the speed limit. I felt like Pip in the graveyard coming across Magwitch in the mist. So, I hastily dropped my eyes to my book and started to read...and the gentle rocking of the train eased my tired body, and the procession of words on the page made my eyes droop, and the warmth of the carriage made my tired body relax...
I woke suddenly and opened my eyes to find myself staring at 'the armed robber'. Went back to my book - don't fall asleep, don't fall asleep...don't...fall...asleeeeep........
Woke again, just outside York, packed away my book and shuffled out of my seat being careful not to tread on his feet. I feel I got off lightly somehow - I'm just glad I've never had to share a cell with him.
( , Fri 30 May 2008, 11:08, Reply)
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