Random Acts of Evil
Mr Twisty Cheeky asks: As a contrast to last week's question - Has anyone ever been evil to you, out of the blue, for no reason? Have you ever been total twuntcake against all logic?
Scaryduck LIKES EGG, Thu 16 Feb 2012, 18:49)
Like to meet someone who carries tempered plate glass around and can snap steel bike frames in two.
Actually, no I wouldn't.
Misery McUglywife an attention seeking sociopathic fuckstain., Sat 18 Feb 2012, 22:41,
1 reply)
Some people have said I 'must have rode into something/one?! Exactly what Im not sure. Car, Lorry, Maybe two guys carrying a bit of cliché enriched, toughened glass across the road? (Mr.Pickle is not that Dave.., Sat 18 Feb 2012, 22:11, Ignore, Reply, I
blaireau69 , the Cumbrian Travis Bickle., Sat 18 Feb 2012, 23:21,