Random Acts of Kindness
Crackhouseceilidhband asks: Has anyone ever been nice to you, out of the blue, for no reason? Have you ever helped an old lady across the road, even if she didn't want to? Make me believe that the world is a better place than the media and experience suggest
Scaryduck LIKES EGG, Thu 9 Feb 2012, 13:03)
Johm Lennon and Earl Hickey
have a lot to answer for.
FartThroughAWalkieTalkie wished you were dead in ditch on, Sun 12 Feb 2012, 10:35,
1 reply)
but Joy is a lot funnier than Yoko
Smash Monkey lowering the tone of the whole internet, Sun 12 Feb 2012, 13:39,
Misery McUglywife an attention seeking sociopathic fuckstain., Sun 12 Feb 2012, 17:47,