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This is a question School Days

"The best years of our lives," somebody lied. Tell us the funniest thing that ever happened at school.

(, Thu 29 Jan 2009, 12:19)
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I was lucky to be in the last English class that Mr A J MacTavish, aka The BigMac taught before headmasterly duties took him out of the classroom.
A touch eccentric (he once abseiled off the school roof at the end of term and listened to recordings of steam engines in his car), he treated all the kids (12 to 18) as adults and helped set many a moral compass. I still recall his way of showing the power of words: writing the names of the class on paper, then tearing it up and bining it (well it made an impression on me at least).
A few years after I left, he turned up as the head' on some TV show that put modern kids into a mock 50s environment. On it he made a chav hold two big wooden skittles out in front of him as a punishment. The kicker for the chav whose arms started to drop after 2 mins was that BigMac had already done it himself for 30 - he could be harsh but wouldn't give out anything he could not take himself.

Anyway, here's the funny bit: BigMac had his old cane mounted in a glass case in the corridor outside his office for the whole to see on the by to assembly. One day we all file out to see someone had stuck a post-it on the bottom.

"Break glass in case of emergency"


Sorry for only small funny at the end but the earlier tribute needed to be made.
Length? About 4 foot before bending back on itself.

/re lurks
(, Wed 4 Feb 2009, 17:24, 1 reply)
My old head was called Big Mac!
He was also an ex-English teacher.

Except his name was MacMurray. Darn.
(, Wed 4 Feb 2009, 17:35, closed)

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