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MostlySunny wibbles, "When I was 11 I got an A for my study of shark nets - mostly because I handed it in cut out in the shape of a shark."

Do people do projects that don't involve google-cut-paste any more? What fine tat have you glued together for teacher?

(, Thu 13 Aug 2009, 13:36)
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Recycling's good, right?
As part of my A-level English, I had to to an extended essay. I can't remember exactly how long it was, but there's a part of me that thinks it was around the 5000 word mark. It could be on a topic of the candidate's choice.

I chose to write something about the political themes in Anthony Burgess' work. It took me a long weekend to write. Looking back, it's not a great piece of work - certainly not publishable - but it was reasonable, and I was proud of it at the time; in due course, it got me the A. (Let's face it: an A at A-level in the mid-90s wasn't exactly a mark of high achievement...)

A couple of years later, I was a finalist at the University of Redbrick, and one of my courses was on politics and the arts. It was assessed by exam and - thanks to an easy-going tutor - an essay on a subjct of our choice.

Hmmmmm, I think. I think I have just the thing for this..., and I dig out the disk with the A-level project on it. (Christ only knows why I had it nearby, but that's not important.)

It needed fiddling with a bit - but nothing too much. A couple of hours later, it was printed off and ready to submit. It got a first.

Hurrah for Anthony Burgess.
(, Fri 14 Aug 2009, 10:53, 11 replies)
A at A-level in the mid-90s
far more of a mark of achievement than it is now
(, Fri 14 Aug 2009, 10:56, closed)
Too true...
We've gone from "meh" to "super meh".

Every year I'm amazed by the kids on the news on results day looking pleased with their B and C grades, and saying how hard they worked for them.
Really? You had to work hard for that?
(, Fri 14 Aug 2009, 11:15, closed)
they still get Bs and Cs?
it's all As and A*s as far as I know
(, Fri 14 Aug 2009, 12:15, closed)
I can attest....
...that you CAN still get C's and below, being proof of that :)
I'm a fucking idiot who thought procrastinating was the best possible choice and that deadlines were to be ignored..

Left with an E and two D's.

And they STILL let me into uni!

(, Mon 17 Aug 2009, 5:39, closed)
I'm re-re-re-reading 'Earthly Powers' at the moment. Strange choice to look at the political themes of his work, rather than, say, religious, but hats off to you.

I guess 'Clockwork Orange' could be considered political to a degree...
(, Fri 14 Aug 2009, 11:05, closed)
"Earthly Powers" is great.
I was looking at Clockwork, but also Any Old Iron and some of his short stories - a couple of them are politically interesting (especially, IIRC, one called "Wine of the Country")...
(, Fri 14 Aug 2009, 11:13, closed)
Never got around to 'Any Old Iron' - liked 'The End of the World News' though.

What baffled me about him was why he thought he looked good enough to go on telly with that atrocious comb-over! And he always liked to talk about 'pornographs' - a good b3tan word.
(, Fri 14 Aug 2009, 11:17, closed)
Earthly Powers is awesome
Finished re-re-re-reading it recently too.
(, Fri 14 Aug 2009, 12:30, closed)
just re-aquainted myself with your 'best of's - some of the funniest I've read.

I salute you.
(, Fri 14 Aug 2009, 14:19, closed)
According to
this, he wrote a tribute to George Orwell which consisted of him saying that he didn't like Arabs or unions. So, um, yeah.
(, Fri 14 Aug 2009, 13:37, closed)
Since when
does Wikipedia replace real life? Burgess was no saint, but he was a deep thinker and a real writer and this response is trite in the extreme. There's a scene in 'Enderby' involving a 69 with a couple of Algerians (if I remember correctly) which displays no anti-arab feeling.

So, um, yeah.
(, Fri 14 Aug 2009, 14:22, closed)

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