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This is a question School Projects

MostlySunny wibbles, "When I was 11 I got an A for my study of shark nets - mostly because I handed it in cut out in the shape of a shark."

Do people do projects that don't involve google-cut-paste any more? What fine tat have you glued together for teacher?

(, Thu 13 Aug 2009, 13:36)
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In the 2nd year of junior school (or year 7 for all you young 'uns) we had a teacher who seemed to have pursued a career in education not because she liked teaching but more because she found it highly amusing to shout at young children and make them cry.

One morning we had to hand in a project on something inane (probably my favourite animal or similar)and a lad called Chris stood up to tell the teacher he had left his at home. Much shouting ensued at the end of which Chirs was a little upset and started crying. When the teacher asked what the hell was the matter he uttered the immortal line "I think I wet myself"

The puddle under his desk confirmed it.

Length - he was only 8 so it was still growing
(, Fri 14 Aug 2009, 13:57, 8 replies)
Year 7
is the second year of high school, isn't it?
(, Fri 14 Aug 2009, 14:04, closed)
I thought it was the first year of secondary school
I was 11.
(, Fri 14 Aug 2009, 14:10, closed)
Its year 4
Year 7 is the first year of senior school, now go sit in your chair in front of the fire and talk about the war old man, leave this interwebby thing to us young 'uns!
(, Fri 14 Aug 2009, 14:43, closed)
I don't understand this complicated "Year X" malarkey
A few iterations of Mrs Thingy's class, then 5A, 4A, 3A, 2A/1A, 1A, Third Form, Fourth Form, Fifth Form, Lower Sixth and Sixth Form is *so* much easier to remember...
(, Fri 14 Aug 2009, 15:09, closed)
you went 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, then back to 3 and up again and that makes more sense to you?
(we went nursery, kindergarten, 1-4 at primary and 1-6 at secondary. That makes sense)
(, Fri 14 Aug 2009, 15:32, closed)
Yeah I meant year 4.

I'm only 26!
(, Fri 14 Aug 2009, 17:08, closed)
The Year Thingy...
...kicked in in the UK in September '91, I seem to recall. In essence, your first year at school (UK Primary) is Year 1 all the way through to age 18 (last year of A-Levels) which'd be Year 13. Simple, n'est pas? (although I still think Cockbrush's format is a *lot* simpler too...)
(, Fri 14 Aug 2009, 18:12, closed)
That is if your school had a sixth form.
Mine didn't, so we had year 7-11. Then i went to college and they didn't number the years at all 'cos they didn't care about the age of the kids. So much easier.
(, Tue 18 Aug 2009, 10:21, closed)

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