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Home » Question of the Week » Shoplifting » Post 114520 | Search
This is a question Shoplifting

When I was young and impressionable and on holiday in France, I followed some friends into a sweet shop and we each stole something. I was so mortified by this, I returned them.

My lack of French hampered this somewhat - they had no idea why the small English boy wanted to add some chews to the open box, and saw it as an attempt by a nasty foreigner oik to contaminate their stock. Not my best day.

What have you lifted?

(, Thu 10 Jan 2008, 11:13)
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Trees make great gifts!
I gave someone a tree for his birthday. Me and a bunch of other drunken guests had escaped his dreadfully boring house party, found a pre-uprooted tree in the park, and brought it home.
He didn't speak to us for the rest of the night. Ungrateful bastard.
(, Tue 15 Jan 2008, 11:17, Reply)

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