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Home » Question of the Week » Stupid Tourists » Post 35063 | Search
This is a question Stupid Tourists

What's the stupidest thing you've ever heard a tourist say? Ever heard an American talking about visiting "Scotchland, England", or (and this one is actually real) a Japanese couple talking about the correct way to say Clapham is actually Clatham, as "ph" sounds are pronounced "th". Which has a certain logic really. UPDATE: Please, no more Loogabarooga stories. It's getting like, "and I opened my eyes and my mum had left me a cup of tea!"

(, Thu 7 Jul 2005, 16:31)
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Well, not "stupid"...
But it annoyed the flucknuts outta me anyway.

I was wandering around Trafalgar Sq. during the Gay Pride festival, and was shoved by an American family, the presumed father of the group going "And if ya get lost, meet by the... Trafalgar... thing." pointing to Nelson's Column.

"Trafalgar thing"?! Fools! Don't they have tour guides for that sorta thing?!
(, Thu 7 Jul 2005, 21:12, Reply)

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