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Home » Question of the Week » Stupid Tourists » Post 35081 | Search
This is a question Stupid Tourists

What's the stupidest thing you've ever heard a tourist say? Ever heard an American talking about visiting "Scotchland, England", or (and this one is actually real) a Japanese couple talking about the correct way to say Clapham is actually Clatham, as "ph" sounds are pronounced "th". Which has a certain logic really. UPDATE: Please, no more Loogabarooga stories. It's getting like, "and I opened my eyes and my mum had left me a cup of tea!"

(, Thu 7 Jul 2005, 16:31)
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Student Days
Not so much a tourist, but rather a new student in the U.S., from the Shah's Iran, back in 1976....

After introductions, he asked in almost perfect, accentless English, "Please, this is my first day in America...can you tell me all the English slang words for female genitals?" Surprised, I rattled off as many as I could think of. He then said, "I know those words already. Don't you know any more?"

I couldn't think of a single one.

He always blamed his accent for failing to score with American chicks, even while his unintelligible Iranian compatriots were lost in forbidden, orgiastic delights. I wonder what he's doing these days? Probably running a Revolutionary Committee or other, slapping the wrists of chador-clad temptresses...
(, Thu 7 Jul 2005, 22:57, Reply)

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