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This is a question Stupid Tourists

What's the stupidest thing you've ever heard a tourist say? Ever heard an American talking about visiting "Scotchland, England", or (and this one is actually real) a Japanese couple talking about the correct way to say Clapham is actually Clatham, as "ph" sounds are pronounced "th". Which has a certain logic really. UPDATE: Please, no more Loogabarooga stories. It's getting like, "and I opened my eyes and my mum had left me a cup of tea!"

(, Thu 7 Jul 2005, 16:31)
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Not so much a story as such, more an observation:
LOTS of 'stupid American in England' stories by the English on here, some just, many not, however, apart from a few 'I'm American and I think you are all anti-american jerks' posts, NO 'Stupid Englishman in America' stories.

Why!? C'mon guys, get yer oar in!

Anyhoo, I do remember a tale of an English chap being lost in some back-of-nowhere hick town in America and having knocked on a door in the middle of the night to ask for directions, was immediately shot dead through the fly screen. Apparently a legal practise there, something to do with constitutional rights to protect your property or something. So Brits considering a visit, be warned!

Oh, and I don't know how Loughborough is pronounced either, but I'm guessing 'Loo borro', and can we please stop with this now as I just don't believe so many people personally experienced that! Also you can't really blame Americans for getting it wrong when their version of English is being constantly changed to be phonetic! As a written language, English is knackered anyway, I was once asked by a Belgian why if 'Laugh' is pronounced 'Laff' then 'Through' isn't pronounced 'Thruff'. You try and explain it!
(, Fri 8 Jul 2005, 13:09, Reply)

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