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This is a question Teenage Parties

Ah, the heady days when catering consisted of a crate of lager and some vodka illicitly extracted by whoever looked oldest, decoration consisted of removing any breakable furniture and the morning after was just the morning and not the rest of the week.

Tell us who you snogged, where you threw up and who just would not leave.

(, Thu 13 Apr 2006, 10:20)
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Parents away, we decided to have a pirate themed party. Much pillaging, rum drinking and yo ho ho-ing ensued. Everyone got really into their costumes, there were Blackbeards, Captain Hooks and Jake The Pegs everywhere. And wenches. We played shanties and all sorts. Tremendous fun. Cleared away all piratical evidence the following morning- there was narry a gold earring, piece of eight or parrot feather to be seen.

Four whole months later I came down to breakfast to be asked "WHY IS OUR HOUSE FULL OF PIRATES?" by an irate mother clutching a lovely set of home delivered Truprint snaps. Apparently she couldn't remember using up an entire roll of film on her camera but had sent it off anyway to see what was on it. There was one particularly good shot of two pirates (actually trying to use her exercise bike at the same time) apparently bumming each other.

(Oh, and Long John Silver never apologizes- the clue's in the name.)
(, Thu 13 Apr 2006, 11:22, Reply)

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