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This is a question Well, that taught 'em

Sammi Evil Nice writes "I shared with two students, and it was always the same; whenever it was near to paytime, my milk *and only this* would disappear.

One of them, John, was a lovely bloke but allergic to nuts. John makes tea. Soon after, John starts swelling up.

ME: Runs, administers epi-pen. "You're going into anaphalactic shock."
HIM: "How do you know?"
ME: "I put almond oil in my milk."

What have you done to teach somebody a lesson?

(, Thu 26 Apr 2007, 14:54)
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Queen of the Harpes
For those who don' remember my previous room mate story, I'll fill you in now. My fiance shared with a spotty goth girl with no sense of right and wrong. We'll call here Tessa, because that's her name.

Anyway, months of bullying my fiance (who has suffered serious depression since she was a teenager due to traumatic and horrific events that I won't go into - but lesser people would have topped themselves over it), she eventually gives up work and can't afford to contribute to the bills.

I supported her as long as I can, but I decided to go back to university. We used to live together, but had moved to separate places due to her having left work previously. Anyway, she was just getting her life back together when the evil bitch she lived with started bullying her as I said. So when I could no longer afford to pay her bills, my oher half moved out, leaving Tessa witth nearly a grands worth of bills etc to pay! HA HA HA HA HA, serves you right!!

My missus and I now live together again and have got our lives back. Don't know what Queen of Harpes is doing now, nor do I care.

No so much us getting our own back really; more her bringing it on herself by bullying the missus (resulting in her leaving work) when she new that the missus had a delicate mental state. Self inflicted, I call it.
(, Fri 27 Apr 2007, 12:52, Reply)

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