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This is a question Well, that taught 'em

Sammi Evil Nice writes "I shared with two students, and it was always the same; whenever it was near to paytime, my milk *and only this* would disappear.

One of them, John, was a lovely bloke but allergic to nuts. John makes tea. Soon after, John starts swelling up.

ME: Runs, administers epi-pen. "You're going into anaphalactic shock."
HIM: "How do you know?"
ME: "I put almond oil in my milk."

What have you done to teach somebody a lesson?

(, Thu 26 Apr 2007, 14:54)
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Internet Cafe Porn Stalking
It amazes me how some peeps dont clear off their history after a spot of internet cafe surfing. Im sat in some dodgy little cafe just off Tottenham Court Road. Lets see... if I type in www.b, what options scroll down for me for the previously visited websites. Well, lots of big tits, busty vixens, and there's even a link that shows a woman getting it on with a donkey...

Now if I put in www.t, I get lots of links to nudie young girlies without any clothes on, and a particularly nasty pic of a nasty old trout doing something with a garden vegetable.

So, if you must sit in a public place surfing for porn, have the decency to delete the browser history...

... Just realised that the rather attractive Spanish girl who was sat next to me has now moved over to the other side of the room...

... bugger...
(, Sun 29 Apr 2007, 17:54, Reply)

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